
mmi_news (5)
APR 2015
Setting up of Iron-Core Reactor Production line and Commissioning of new Vacuum Pressure Impregnation Plant
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JAN 2015
Dr. Christian Kaehler, Managing Director of Hans von Mangoldt and Mr. Franz-Josef Daniels, Production Manager at Hans von Mangoldt visit the MMIPL plant in Bangalore.
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APR 2014
Inauguration of the new, state-of-the-art 400kV BIL Test facility at MMIPL
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JAN 2014
MMIPL moves to a new Campus in Attibele Industrial Area, Bangalore
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JAN 2014
INDFARAD Technologies, the business unit of Meher Group which manufacturers reactors under the brand name of INDFARAD, transfers it’s business to Meher Mangoldt
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SEP 2012
The MEHER Group, India enters into a partnership with HANS VON MANGOLDT, Germany for the design & manufacture of Iron-Core & Air-Core Reactors.